
Objective, verifiable chemical standards form the foundation of the Ultra Premium (UP) grade. Chemical analysis of EVOO has proven to be a fundamental indicator of sensory quality, predictor of perishability, and authenticity of olive oils. UP is the highest quality standard in the world because it utilizes the broadest array of available tests and enforces the strictest limits on all chemical standards.

Olive Oil Intensity refers to both the biophenol health properties and the flavor. Intensities range mild, medium, and robust. As the intensity increases, the flavor becomes more peppery as a result of increased biophenols.

Free fatty acid or free acidity (FFA) is an indication of the quality of olives at time of harvest and milling, a higher number means the olives were more mature. An elevated level of FFA can indicate poor quality or mishandled fruit, too much time between harvesting and extraction, poor storage and/or high temperature during extraction. The International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) has set the maximum FFA in extra virgin olive oil at 0.8%.

IOC limit ≤ 0.8 | UP limit ≤ 0.3

Peroxide value (PV) is a measurement of oxidation, the higher the peroxide the more likely the oil will taste and smell rancid. Higher peroxide levels indicate oxidized and/or poor quality oil and give an idea of the freshness and storage conditions. The IOOC established the maximum peroxide as 20 for olive oil to still meet extra virgin standards; however, a very low peroxide value is most desirable.

IOC limit ≤ 20 | UP limit ≤ 9

Oleic acid is a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid found in olive oil. Oleic acid ranges 55%-85%, which is generally higher than in other vegetable oils. As a monounsaturated fat, oleic acid lowers bad cholesterol (LDL), which in turn, lowers risk of heart disease and stroke. The monounsaturated fats help develop and maintain the body’s cells. Oleic acid contributes vitamin E to the diet. The vitamin E not only keeps the olive from degrading more quickly through oxidation, it also aids in preventing the deteriorating of the body into chronic diseases. The higher the oleic acid monounsaturated fat content translates to increased durability and shelf-life.

IOC limit ≥ 55 | UP limit ≥ 65

DAGs is a "picture"of the quality of an olive oil at any given time from olive growth, to processing and storage. It measures the proportion of two forms of diacylglycerol: 1,2 and 1,3. It is a good indicator of the quality of the olive fruit and the processing. It is also an indicator of the age of an oil, and what conditions the oil is exposed to during storage since the migration from 1,2 to 1,3 DAGs takes place naturally as the oil ages.  Warmer storage temperatures, and higher free fatty acid levels will both accelerate this process, but DAGs are not affected by the short exposure to high heat. The higher the DAGS number, the fresher/younger the olive oil.

AOA limit ≥ 35 | UP limit ≥ 90

Polyphenol are a class of antioxidants found in a variety of foods. Polyphenols such as Oleuropein, Oleocanthal, and Hydroxytyrosol impart intensity connected with pepper, bitterness and other desirable flavor characteristics. Recent studies indicate that these potent phenols are responsible for many of the health benefits associated with consuming fresh, high quality extra virgin olive oil. Phenols in olive oil decrease over time or when exposed to heat, oxygen and light. Consuming fresh, well made olive oil with high polyphenol content is crucial when looking to obtain the maximum health benefit commonly associated with consuming extra virgin olive oil. The higher the biophenol count, the more antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties available within a particular olive and olive oil.

UP minimum limit ≥ 130

Organoleptic Requirements

To ensure the highest level of quality olive oil is achieved, the highest quality fruit must be grown and the highest quality production processes utilized throughout the milling facility from beginning to end. These production requirements are based on prior results and therefore represent a set of best practices and guidelines for the farmer. The proof of these processes should be, but is not always, evident in the sensory and chemical analyses of the resulting olive oil.

Panel testing must find that the median of defects = 0 and possess the following minimum sensory evaluation scores:
Fruitiness ≥ 3.5
Bitterness ≥ 2
Pungency ≥ 2

IOC= International Olive Council

AOA= Australian Olive Association